Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Hate Crimes

So my topic is on hate crimes, which i think is a problem that is not taken too serious because there are a lot of hate crimes that are committed and aren't even  brought to court and even the ones that are there are defenses used against the LGBT community such as the Gay Panic Defense which is legal and is used in murder or assault charges where the defendant claims they were subjected to sexual advances that caused them temporary insanity. now there shouldn't be a reason as far as this to go around killing someone because there gay or lesbian and not have no type of punishment. in 2008 1,617 hate crime offenses based on sexual-orientation bias were reported by
law enforcement agencies. Of these offenses:
58.6 percent were classified as anti-male homosexual bias.                                                                           
25.7 percent were reported as anti-homosexual bias.                                                                               
12.0 percent were prompted by an anti-female homosexual bias.                                                                  
2.0 percent were the result of an anti-heterosexual bias.                                                                                  
1.7 percent were classified as anti-bisexual bias.
During the last two decades of the twentieth century, nearly every state enacted a hate crime law of some kind. Most of these statutes took the form of sentence enhancements for existing crimes. Others defined new substantive criminal offenses or created new private causes of action.
in an article i read a guy was beat up and he was straight but was helping a gay guy from getting beat up and was called a "Gay Lover"

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